TV Commercial I have Recently Watched

TV Commercial I have Recently Watched
Man is social being. So he/she cannot leave without communication. TV is one of the most wonderful mediums for communication. Everybody likes to watch TV. I am also one of them. Recently I have watched a TV commercial on my favorite channel Sony TV. It was a commercial on automobile. TATA the largest automobile selling company in India, has launched a new product (Car) called TATA NANO.
Their main message was “Khushiyon Ki Chaabi”. It means, “Key for happiness”. Here TATA encoded the potential meaning of the message of “Khushiyon Ki Chaabi” with the inclusion of audio, video and its own logo. TATA here used emotional environment to convey the intended message. It was 30 seconds adds. A young little girl was insulted by her classmate, when she tried to get into her classmate’s car. While crying her father noticed it & she caprices for a new car to her father. They were from middle class. To bring the happiness for his girl, he swear to his daughter. Next morning while the girl was waiting for the dream car. Suddenly she saw her father is coming by driving a new car. By seeing the car she was so delighted. The main target of this commercial was middle to higher-class customers. By keeping it’s price 100000 Rupee. There were many advantages for the customers
  1. Suitable price
  2. Installment facilities.
  3. Modern car facilities.
  4. Air condition facilities.
  5. Compressed-air engine
  6. Safety concern
Feedback is the part of the receiver’s response communicating back to the sender. The Tata’s research through Internet shows that consumers are struck by the message and remember the advertisement as consumers have gone to the video uploading website “Youtube” to watch the advertisement on “Khushiyon Ki Chaabi”. The noise here can be that some consumers may think it as a documentary on happiness for middle class family.
At the end, it is to be told that the television commercial of “Khushiyon Ki Chaabi” by TATA was very effective as it managed to stir up the emotional feelings of happiness.

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